Why EAP Cayman

Why EAP Cayman

Identifying the Troubled Employee IF you are concerned about an employee for who you have supervisory responsibility, a referral can be made to EAP.

Employees’ personal and family problems may be revealed in job performance or workplace behaviour. There may be a negative effect on work productivity. Supervisors are responsible for monitoring and directing employee activity and are in a unique position to identify those employees whose work may be affected by personal or family problems. If the problems have become apparent, supervisors are encouraged to inform the employee if the counselling resources available through EAP.

Using EAP is voluntary. Supervisors cannot force employees to seek assistance, but the process of recognizing problem situations and responding with an EAP referral is a normal and expected supervisory task. The supervisor’s primary responsibility is to maintain a productive work environment and to promote employee development. Referral to EAP helps accomplish both!

When employees are in need of help, you may notice some of the following:


  • Frequent Monday, Friday and day-after holiday absences
  • Unusual or improbable excuses for absences
  • Accidents
  • Arriving late
  • Leaving Early
  • Extended work breaks and lunch breaks
  • Frequent short-term absences from work

Job Performance

  • Inconsistent quality of work
  • Increased errors
  • Difficulty in concentration; tasks take more time; work requires more effort; judgement is sporadic
  • Missed Deadlines
  • Accidents
  • Confusion; problems with handling complex instructions; problems with attention to detail; difficulty recalling what to do or if task is done